Every 5 seconds somewhere in America, a woman, man, or child is being abused. Guiding Angels Ministries has several programs to help victims of Domestic Violence and their families. These programs include: Clothing Ministry Food Ministry Counseling Ministry Domestic Violence Abuse Support Groups Domestic Violence Referral Services Guiding Angels Ministries is affiliated with Universal Ministries and New Life Church. Your donations can make a difference in helping us to help others who cannot help themselves.

Guiding Angels Ministries Statement of Beliefs We, at Guiding Angels Ministries, are a non-denominational church that believes that we are all spirits in bodies, seeking and discovering our own personal truth in our own unique way. For many of us, that truth is found through Goddess and Gods, Jesus Christ, or Buddha, etc. For a large number of our members, it is found through Pagan Gods and Goddesses, while still others find their truth through examining life and the experiences we all have. All of these paths and more are welcomed and explored. We value all the viewpoints of our ministers and congregation, however varied and controversial they might be. We believe in religious freedom, as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others and is within the law. We welcome any who seek truth, wisdom and tolerance. We use teaching material from a variety of sources, the Bible included, as wisdom is found in many places and people each hear it in different ways. Through our Ministry, we explore many faiths and belief systems and seek to understand the universal truths that each of these contain

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