Great News For Ning Pro Plans! Ning is slowly rolling out Phone Support!

If you're a Ning Pro Subscriber, you may already know the great news. If you haven't heard yet - - today I received an email from Ning. This has been needed for such a long time, and a great move on Ning's part, taking the quality of the Ning platform to even a higher level.



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Now you have two options.

US Based Phone #
US/Intl. Phone #

Weekdays, 9-5 PST

Phone Support for Ning Pro

We’re here when you need us

Starting this week, we’re rolling out phone-based support to Ning Pro subscribers.

As a Ning Pro subscriber, you’ve always been able to submit a ticket from the Support link on your Dashboard for a dedicated, priority response. Now, you have the option to pick up the phone and reach our Advocacy team directly.

Ning Pro just got a little more personal — and we’d like to personally invite you to reach out to us when you need help. We look forward to hearing from you!

Jason Rosenthal   John McDonald
VP, Advocacy

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Great initiative from NING if you're in the US.

For those of us from outside the US a live voice chat support option or Skype support would have been a better option.

Martin, They offered an International #. Is that not going to work?



Yeah sure. If you don't mind the costs of calling from Europe to US.


Here's how we did it for DGA Events. As you can see right now Ruud is online on Skype

Not good. I didn't realize you'd have to pay toll. I had to look at the number again. I agree. Skype would be a much better solution. Give them time to acclimate. I feel like they will revisit this.



They might have a free number but that would mean NING pays for the intercontinental calls. Can't imagine that.

Exactly. And I don't think it's toll free. I don't know where my brain was on that one, sorry Martin.


Well one thing though - - I have called support help lines that are in other Countries, and just routed across the Internet like Skype. Maybe they will implement this type of technology.



Yes. I got the email yesterday. But before I start cheering, I want to see how MUCH support is offered. If it is a matter of describing your problem and them opening a ticket, it is not an improvement. But if it is a support person who can go to our site, experience the problem and refer us at that moment to someone who can fix the problem via real time that would be very good, of course. Excuse me for being a DOUBTING THOMAS (get it), but I really do not have too much faith, right now.

I hear ya. First things first. Let's see how it goes. I have a feeling it'll be like any help desk. One time you'll get someone with experience, and the ability to really help. Maybe the next time, not.

Thanks for the input as always,



great news another way for ning to mess up everything.they havent got anything right since the take over so why applaud now---they make no sense what so ever...wanna make bets they get this one right? they fired all the good people there and only have a bunch of morons working there...whens the last time you put in a ticket?? last time i did i didnt hear from them for a month and the problem still exist..ning is one of the worst sites i pay for..the only reason im still there is my sooo disappointed  with never recommend them to anyone.....chuck

LOL, well alrighty then, not a Ning fan. I understand. I don't agree, but understand. BTW, hadn't seen you in a while, good to see you!


At first I thought you'd said you had other sites not on Ning, but maybe not?




Why use tickets when we've got Creators ? I only use tickets when there are real technincal problems only NING can solve. For everything else I consult my fellow creators.



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