Global MSUans Network is a social network for the alumni, students, and employees of the various campuses of the Minanao State University system.

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Happy One Year Anniversary GMN (September 2009)

The GMN population is hovering at 10,000. It was only around September 2008 when Ash was contemplating on creating a website to service MSUans all over the world. Matet, Malou, and I were encouraging him to develop this site because we were planning on having our mini tapok tapok in Houston along with Helen Crea of New York and use GMN as our communication tool (discussions and chat). Before, during, and after the mini tapok tapok, we’ve posted the CBL matters. Discussed, brainstormed, and agreed to a lot of things regarding the CBL that we were working on. Ash’s creation was the perfect vehicle for us to piggy back the discussion. The GMN was born.

A year later, the membership of GMN is now close to five figures. MSUans all over the world gravitated towards GMN.

GMN to this day has 9,799 members; 106,323 photos; 981 videos; 7,911 songs; 1,778 forum topics; 1,879 blog posts; and 417 groups.



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