Blogcentric Sites - Add "Read More" to Blog Titles - Ning 2.0

If you run a Ning 2.0 site that places the focus on your Blog Module, this is a nice and easy tip. I was visiting a Client's site, and noticed, each time I clicked on "Continue" under a Blog Post from their home page, I was shown more of the Blog post, on the home page. I was not taken to the actual Blog Post Page, not until I clicked on the Blog Post Title. Why was this a problem? I wanted to make a comment. So, I had to scroll all the way back to the top of the long blog post, and click on the actual Blog Post Title/Link. I think this is only the case if you choose "Detail View" for your Blog Module on home page (not in sidebar). Regardless, this is a nice tip to remind Site Visitors and Members, click on Blog Title to access Blog Post page. Afterall, that's where you get your views and member interaction via comments.

What does my CSS do?

It adds text after the Blog Post Title (within Blog Module on Home Page), and in a different color. See the RED >> Read More, in screen shot below.

In the case below, it simply prompts Users to click on the link. In the case where you see the word "Continue" - - which continues to add the Blog Text to the home page, this will prompt them to move on to the actual Blog Post, for commenting.

CSS - Add to your Advanced CSS Box Under Appearance. Change cc0000 to your chosen color, and Read More to your text:

.module_blog div.blogpost.vcard div.tb h3 a:after {
content:" >> Read More";

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Thanks for the useful tip!

You are very welcome! Sorry I'm just seeing this. For some reason, sometimes I do not receive notifications.

 Thank you........



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