Best practices (or opinons) for amount of content to show on homepage

I've always been kind of torn between just how much content to show on the homepage. I've tried a little, a little more and a lot more over the 2 years I've been running my NING network. I currently have A LOT on the homepage after looking at my google analytics. It seems that no matter what I display, the homepage always gets 10 times as many visits as any other page. The forum is always in second place. So, if you track analytics, what do yours say? And just what is the best practice for how much to show on the homepage? I guess my main question is how do we turn the homepage visits to more activity? By showing more content? I get the feeling that people are no longer in clicking around, especially considering that most social networks try to keep you on one page.

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It's hard to say. It's something I am still learning how to balance myself. I think less is always more when it come to a website.


Thank you for your post!



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