Beautiful Lives by Susan is a lifestyle health blog about Post-traumatic Stress Syndrome. With this website, I strive to provide resources to assist you to overcome post-traumatic stress syndrome while we manifest our beautiful lives as together we light the way with spirit, mind, and body balance.

I’m diagnosed with complex post-traumatic stress syndrome. It was unknown until I was correctly diagnosed at 62 years of age, that I been living with C-PTSS since the age of six when my world went dark. At last, after decades of searching for answers about why I felt and reacted so differently from everyone around me, I finally found concrete and treatable answers.

After a plethora of therapeutic settings with little, short-lived, or no positive results, I can honestly state that the Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) treatment is the most effective therapy for me to date. From the first session, I found relief from stress. There is no easy answer for PTSS but EMDR certainly answered a lot for me.

A New Life

From there, it is such a new life experience that I can barely put it into words. So, let’s just put it this way – after 56 years of living in daily emotional fear and pain, it gives me the greatest level of relief – so much so that I sometimes experience confusion over “good” feelings. But more about that later in the blog …

Now, after a decades-long search for answers about “What Happened to Me”, I’m strongly compelled to reach out to help others understand just a little bit more about what happens when we experience traumatic events. If I knew what I know now, I would not have suffered for such a long time. If this website helps even one other person to avoid what I went through, then, in my opinion, this website is a success.

My Wish

About Beautiful Lives Produce a Ripple Quote

This blog allows me to share my own experiences and dreams with my readers. And, in so doing, it is my sincere wish that I inspire others to follow a path of healing that includes whatever path you choose to follow.

Do you follow indigenous spiritual practices from anywhere in the world? Are you a Christian who practices Buddhism or a follower of New Thought? Are you Hindu or Muslim? You and any other person with any spiritual belief system are welcome here because I know that all paths lead to the light of love, compassion, and understanding. 

It is my honor to serve you with quotes, books, videos, articles, and news. Also, please know that I am so grateful to receive your comments and questions. I will acknowledge and reply to each of them.

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