Hi Everyone,

I am using my forum as an area for families to create "Tributes" for loved ones who have passed away. I want to add in the reply section a "Give a Gift" icon so that anyone who is replying to a tribute can add a gift. I see that on each "my page" when someone is going to comment there is an option to "give a gift" I basically want to duplicate that idea in the forum area. If anyone can give me some ideas on how to do this I will be so grateful. My website is www.rememberu4ever.com. If anyone would like to look at I can send an invite to you as I have it set on private while I am building it. Thank you so much in advance for your help!


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Very interesting idea. Let me ponder on this.



Oh thank you so much. I found the script with firebug for the "Attach a gift to this comment" from the my page "comment section." Somehow it seems like I just need to know how to go into custom code and paste it along with putting in the code for where to place it in the comment section for each post. I do not know code much, so I need help with that as well. What do you think about my idea in the custom code section? Could that work maybe?

Thank you,


This may be a job for TJ of http://jqueryhelp.ning.com/, if it can be done. I captured the script, but it does nothing but add the look and link. It doesn't invoke the gift database. We have to capture who the gift is given to - - has to be a member ID. That's where it gets complicated and I believe would take special script.

What needs to happen:

  • Capture the member id of the forum's creator.
  • The script would then need to be inserted via the Custom Code box, and only for Forums.

Here's the example of giving a gift to a member, member name: kos

<strong><a href="http://jensocial.com/gifts/item/list?to=1t2xbcvddkrir&amp;xg_source=pemb">Give a Gift</a></strong>


TJ charges reasonable rates for scripts. This may be simple for him.

Keep me posted.



Thank you, I will get a hold of him. Have a great night.



Wish I could do this. But TJ is definitely far superior with this type of scripting.






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