SICU SSG is a Globally active Virtual Organization specialized in Business-to-Business, Integrated Marketing Communication & Project Management. It is a Virtual Organization, a Strategic Alliance and a Self-Organising-System covering a broad range of collaborations in which SICU members and global partners combine their core competencies to accomplish social change and meet divergent business objectives.

SICU SSG offer resources in order to create cost effectivity, added value and multiplicative effects for businesses, corporations, brands, industries, institutions, and ultimately consumers in diverse markets.

SICU is the acronym of the name and slogan; Synergy Integrated - Connects the Unconnected. On the other hand the Finnish word SISU is a conception. SISU (Sauna & Sibelius) is a central part of the Finnish national identity.

SISU is an ability to get things done, describing staying power, will power of iron and decisiviness to get things done even against impossible odds.

SICU SSG represents many things: a self-organizing & self-regulating system of highly professional individuals, an ombudsgroup, think-tank, concept exploration, simulation, an open, and a multifunctional marketing agency, and a multidimensional virtual organization operating both locally, nationally, regionally and globally.

The expectation is that drawing Professionals representing divergent professional disciplines, different organizations, from different parts of the world under the same "SICU Sunshade" may be the catalyst needed to get over the coordination barrier - over all thinkable borders.

The objectives of SICU are to offer innovative solutions and resources in order to solve problems of individual customers, and to create cost effectivity, added value and multiplicative effects for businesses, corporations, agencies, brands, industries, institutions, and ultimately consumers in diverse markets.

SICU and Snoobi Web Tracking & Analytics are Strategic Partners

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