I am so nervous. I can't believe I am finally going to do this. This has been my dream for the last 3 years. The line is getting shorter, and I'm up next. I adjust the mic while looking into the crowd of people. I begin. "First giving honor to God and pastor. You know the Lord works in mysterious ways. I was just telling my husband that I am coming here expecting something. But never in a million years would I have thought that I would be here, standing in front of all of you. For 3 years I tried to get my story out. I needed to get it out. I needed to spread the word. I wrote emails, blogs and was even told I should write a book. But none of it gave me the satisfaction of being here right now. 3 years ago on my brother's birthday March 6, 2006 I was diagnosed with MS. My fingers and toes were mute. I had no feeling. Some days I couldn't get out of bed. I couldn't make my baby's bottle. But I knew God didn't give me these 3 beautiful babies to not be able to see them or raise them. I was told that I had to take medication or I will be in a wheelchair. For 3 months I injected myself daily with my therapy medication. My spirit wouldn't let me continue it. I had dreams and I had to stop. My faith wasn't strong enough to claim my healing but I said, "the next MRI will not show that lesion" and this time last year it was gone. But you know doctors always downplay God. They told me that that's what lesions do, they come and go. But I knew better. I have been going to this church for 2 yrs and this is the first time I was able to see the pastors face clearly. For the first time I didn't get dropped off at the door, I walked across the parking lot. Pray my strength in the Lord."

The congregation stood to their feet, giving God a much deserved hand and mouth praise. I did it. I accomplished my dream of telling how God worked in my life to 100's. That night was better than any party or club the New Years' has brought before. My eyes were red, throat scratch and head pounding. I had been changed. I left that place 4 hours later meeting a few people that my story touched. I left 4 hours later not the same as I had came. God moved in that place and now the real work begins!

I hope 2009 brings you all peace, happiness, love and prosperity! I love each and every one of you!

Be Blessed,



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