The fact is women cant ignore stylish and modern designer handbags. Many of them prefer the design than the quality of the material. If you choose durable handbag, you will benefit because durable bag will last long. Many bags models that become trends and sometimes women are chasing the bag to follow the latest trends.

In addition, many well-known handbag brands that offers a large collection of designer handbags. You can choose a bag with a wide selection of material. There are bags that made from cloth, leather and patent leather. Every material has a different price because the use of appropriate materials will increase your comfort when carrying the bag.

Leather material offers a beautiful appearance while the patent leather will give the luxury and shiny impression. Patent leather has the most expensive price because it is made using a special process that makes leather look shiny and waterproof. Waterproof bag is going to last long because the interior of the bag will not get wet.

Color selection is also important because it determines the harmony between the bags with your clothes. Neutral colors like black and white will match any outfit. The advantage of the black bag is that they always look like new even though there was dirt and dust. White bag will make you give extra attention because the white color will look dirty if there is a little stain.

After selecting the correct material, you should pay attention to other parts like the strap, zipper and stitching. Make sure that the zipper has a good quality. You can check by opening and closing zipper bag several times. If the zipper still works smoothly, it can be said that the bag has a good zipper. Bag strap makes it easy to carry bag when you are traveling. You can choose handbag with long or short strap,depend on your choice.

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