Integration (The Chrome Lake part 7 - revisited)

(Based on « 4D virtual 3x3x3x3 sequential move puzzle, scrambled » by SpinningSpark)

« Integration » is the seventh and final chapter of « The Chrome Lake. »

This instrumental section starts on a chaotic solo piano part which is soon backed up by the rhythm section that plays up the oddness and dissonance. The intent here is to convey the impression of having too many pieces to fit in a puzzle, combined with an urge to complete it.

The disarray slowly gives way to order and steady forward movement until the piece concludes on a peaceful release signifying the successful completion of the integration.

Perhaps we'll add vocals to this one. In any event, here are the accompanying verses.

a time i can recall
when everything fitted
symmetry wall to wall
no pieces omitted

the whole code i had cracked
the sky i was kissing
unaware of the fact
that something was missing

coming back from the past
forgotten episode
left me torn and aghast
made the structure implode

out of place in my quilt
this memory unheard
everything i had built
had to be dismembered

alive and dissected
the puzzle a complex
which parts were infected
the process did perplex

constantly suffering
a life disassembled
an entire being
so horribly scrambled

from the insanity
a new picture emerged
enhanced humanity
and composure resurged

revealing the affair
clarity had returned
no punishment unfair
but healing i had earned

lotus out of the dirt
graceful evolution
letting go of the hurt
careful reconstruction

the sand in the oyster
seed of pearly treasure
soothing words of nacre
poetry of nature

patient needles of time
all of the stitches knit
until moment sublime
when all the pieces fit


« The Chrome Lake » is 12-minute long suite in seven sections that constitutes the core middle chapter of a trilogy entitled « Entering The Stream » which depicts a life-changing retreat of soul-searching, triggered by a one-too-many outburst of accumulated dissatisfaction with the way one's life is going.

The title of the suite was inspired by Voivod's « X-Ray Mirror » from their « Nothingface » album :

I can't believe I am the image
Within the mirror
Into the chrome lake
The glass is broken
But I look the same

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