EcoPaparazzi's Blog (5)

Tiny Bear Cubs Rescued

I love a happy wildlife rescue story! Not all rescues end happily ever after, and even this rescue story that I'm about to post has a tragic note, because the mama bear was killed to poach the baby cubs. The poachers took the twins to an illegal bile farm in Vietman. But the Environmental Police raided the bile farm and rescued the itty bitty cubs. They are now in the custody and care of loving people at Animals Asia. I thought everybody here would like to read this story of rescue. …


Added by EcoPaparazzi on April 24, 2009 at 3:28pm — No Comments

Ursa Freedom Project

Jasper today, after being rescued from a bear bile farm by Animals Asia, and living free at their sanctuary in Chengdu, China. I wrote an article recently about bear bile farming and then decided it's not enough to write about a problem. I need to take action to solve it! So that's what I did, and now people across dozens of social networks have joined forces to launch a poster campaign to liberate 9,000 bears from crush cages in China, where… Continue

Added by EcoPaparazzi on February 10, 2009 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Through the Eyes of Youth

"Because village people do not like owls, they kill them and stake them to cast away the bad spirits." Youth photographer Istvan Kerekes took this photo in western Transylvania in the village of Luncavija, Romania. It is one of a dozen taken to make a visual representation of the most austere environmental problems on the Balkans through the eyes of young people. The calendar project, titled The Earth From Below, was an International Youth Photo… Continue

Added by EcoPaparazzi on January 5, 2009 at 9:51am — 1 Comment


Hi Friends, this is the site where all of us, who love Mother Earth and care about her health, share our photos of the beautiful and the shocking. Our aim is to take action through pictures – show the world what is happening where we live and use these photos to build change. Think about it: the chimpanzee population in the Ivory Coast has been… Continue

Added by EcoPaparazzi on October 29, 2008 at 4:47pm — No Comments

TRASHIN' FASHION: Clever Ecopreneurs

I'm shameless, I know. I posted this same info under discussions. But I'm also posting it here. Why? Because I'm looking for innovative ecopreneurs to showcase on my network, and I figured with all the creative people in this ning network directory, there's bound to be a few of you who hang with clever, creative and innovate folks who are working to help heal Mother Earth. Send them my way!

TRASHIN' FASHION by Jeanette McDermott… Continue

Added by EcoPaparazzi on October 19, 2008 at 8:36am — No Comments


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