Dr. MTKvis's Blog (3)

Headphones can interfere with heart devices

Headphones can interfere with heart devices

Headphones from iPods

or other digital music players

may damage hearing, but music lovers who have

a pacemaker or an implanted defibrillator

are better off keeping them in their ears.

A small, new study revealed that placing

the ubiquitous ear buds or other headphones too

close to the chest could interfere with the proper

functioning of the devices used to keep

hearts beating at… Continue

Added by Dr. MTKvis on July 18, 2009 at 1:37am — No Comments

Living Better ~ Healthy lifestyle

Living Better ~ Healthy lifestyle

A healthy person doesn't smoke, doesn't use drugs and alcohol, is at a healthy weight, eats healthy and does exercises.

It's necessary I do a reminder about the red wine. Several sources have show that the ancients red wine benefic effects to the heart aren't in the red wine, the benefits are found in the grape fruits (One of these studies was made in Brazil, from a colleague mine in the INCOR-USP, traditional Cardiologic Hospital Center… Continue

Added by Dr. MTKvis on July 18, 2009 at 1:26am — No Comments

Negative emotion/stress create disease

~ Everything is Energy ~

Everything in the universe is energy. Nothing is actually solid. Instead objects are made up of microscopic particles vibrating at such a fast rate that they appear solid. Our limited sense of sight doesn't let us see the movement, or vibration, of the particles. Every object, including the human organs, have a natural healthy vibratory rate referred to as "resonance". If a part of the body begins to vibrate out of resonance or harmony, it creates what… Continue

Added by Dr. MTKvis on June 14, 2009 at 11:28am — No Comments


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