Make Any Page Your Home/Landing Page

I had a VIP Member ask this question:

Hey Jen, Do you have any tricks to set the default landing page to the members profile page, like with the domain mapping feature?


This tip will show you how to make any page your home/landing page. You must have the File Manager for this to work.

If you have your own domain name, this could be done from your hosting site. And, way back we could do this via a special link on Ning, and adding special mapping characters. I don't remember that access link, and 99% sure it would no longer work.

So, with all that said, to make any page your landing page via Ning, follow the instructions below. My only fear about this code, I was afraid it would load slower. According to Andy, it loads fine with no hesitation.

Note: There may an easier and obvious way to do this. =)



  • On your local computer drive, using a Text Editor, create a text file with the file extension .html. Call it something like yourpage.html
  • Add the following line to your file.
  • <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=/profiles">
  • Edit the /profiles which will take members to "My Profile Page", and change to the page you want to make your landing page.
  • Save your file.
  • Then upload the yourpage.html file via File Manager - My Network/Content/File Manager
  • After the file has uploaded, next to the file name, check the radio button "Make Homepage?" This will make it your home page.
  • Critical step: Change your main/home tab to
  1. Access your home page tab from: My Network/Settings/Tabs & Pages
  2. Highlight your Home Menu Tab.
  3. In right column next to Use Existing URL: - - enter the home page URL like above: Be sure to change to your Ning Network URL.

How To Reverse this?

  • Do not delete your special HTML, until you have removed the "Make Homepage?"
  • Access your File Manager.
  • At the bottom of your file list, locate the link for Default Homepage.
  • Default Homepage - Click on this link to revert back to the default home page.
  • Then, if you want to delete your special HTML, delete the file.

Hope someone needs and enjoys this tip,



Views: 458

Replies to This Discussion


Is there a way to make it so that the splash page isn't visible to members that are logged in instead of refreshing? 



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