My Amazon Store has 391 Category Pages which makes my framed page extremely long and since the categories are framed, Ning & Google search can't see them (of course).

  • An additional frame scroll bar is confusing for the user & looks bad.
  • Originally, I had each A-Store category as sub-categories under each letter of the alphabet. This made the page much shorter of course, but the A-Store category drop down only shows top level categories rendering the function useless (not to mention that I can't really add useful items to the letter "A".
  • I need the Amazon search function within the categories because there are a lot items within them as well.
  • I have tweaked every bit of CSS that I can see in my A-Store itself to try to hide the category list and still have it there in the drop down menu. After contacting Amazon, there is currently no way to do this.

Some NC's have hidden their Search / Category widget in their A-Store and created a page for each A-Store category to help their SEO. There's no way I'm going to make a Ning page 391 times with background pics and fixes for the page content. My network is completely private, so it wouldn't help my SEO anyway.....:)

To make the storefront searchable, my solution was to put the A-Store frame into a simple 2 row table. 1 row was for the store itself and the bottom row was for each category title used as keywords that I made transparent so the search function would get you to the storefront, but you couldn't see all of the category titles. This works, but makes the page even longer and has been making me think that there has to be a better way for some time now.

Thinking outside the box:

I add background images to my pages with the meta tags custom features, and in this case I also made the page content background semi-transparent so you can see the background image better. Here's a shot where I scrolled down well below the store itself. Notice the 8 mile long category list on the left. It keeps going...and going...(Ignore the store widget & gif links on the right).

The Point:

I have maxed out my CSS and use this tip from Jen to call a remote CSS file and free up some space.

Instead of trying to hide keywords at the bottom of  table, I wonder if I can call a remote text file link instead of a CSS file to the page using the pages meta tags; that has the A-Store categories listed in the file and is searchable. This will free up a lot of room on my page, but this may have a huge impact for other NC's who have public networks SEO...(if it would work and they wanted to spend the time adding the keywords for a single page).

Though I don't expect a resolution, maybe some NC's with better coding experience than me can scratch their heads and see if it's possible.

Views: 101

Replies to This Discussion

Wow, heavy stuff - - impressive all you've done. I don't know of a way to accomplish this, sorry. This makes me think of someone like Garfield. I wonder if he would have some ideas?

Best of luck with this,


Thanks for taking the time Jen. I'll pop him a message :)



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