Gawd, just saying...

One of the biggest culprits to slow loading pages on a Ning site is adding the Twitter Widget offered directly from Twitter. I forgot how bad it was until I added it on JenSocial. Then, coincidentally I've been working on a Ning Design for a Client, and they too had the Twitter Widget code installed. It is truly appalling how much this has slowed down my work, waiting, waiting, waiting...I finally removed it so I can work.


Bottom line: I strongly advise not to install the Twitter Widget on any Ning site! To be fair to Ning, the Twitter widget would slow down any site, with the constant polling to pull in tweets. And that part is somewhat expected. But on Ning, oil and vinegar, and the worst case you'll probably see on any platform.


Best Regards,



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The load time doesnt seem too bad and it's also the limit I have set on the widget as well. The twitter widget I use is to promote the tweet of public accounts of members on my site.



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