The Mission of The Christian Mall

Will you take part in our Four point mission.

1.If you have created a web site will you share with us your goals for your web site. Also if you have found a site that has been a blessing to you list it here and tell us about it You can also list your sites badges
2.If God has bless you with a mission on the world wide web it is possible that some one here can be your co worker in Christ in that mission. Please list your mission here .
3.We believe that as Christians we should be in the fore front in the fight against the evils that destroy the lives of thousands of people across the world. Exp. Drug addition, child abuse. Slavery. You can start a group to fight the problem and together we can change our world.
4.If you know some one who has faith but who is also a worker , that is our kind of person. Invite him or her to become a member on The Christian Mall.

Please don't list any home businesses or businesses opportunities. We all need money but there are other site that will meet your needs in that area of life. This is not one of them

God bless you and keep you in the center of his hand

Rev Charles Hopkins

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