Remove Right Column On All Pages - New Design Studio

The tip to remove the right column for all pages has been on JenSocial for quite some time. With the new Ning Design Studio, the code has changed significantly. I decided instead of messing with the original tip, to add a new one.


Select the CSS based on the Design Studio Layout you are using:


A1 & A4
.xg_widget_page .wpage {width:965px!important;}
.xg_widget_page .xg_column div.xj_canvas {width:980px!important;}
.xg_widget_page .xg_span-5.xg_last{ display:none!important;}

A2 & A3
.xg_widget_page .wpage {width:965px!important;}
.xg_widget_page .xg_column div.xj_canvas {width:980px!important;}
.xg_widget_page .xg_column.xg_span-5 { display:none!important;}

B1 & B4
.xg_widget_page .wpage {width:965px!important;}
.xg_widget_page .xg_column div#xg_canvas {width:980px!important;}
.xg_widget_page .xg_span-7.xg_last{ display:none!important;}

B2 & B3
.xg_widget_page .wpage {width:965px!important;}
.xg_widget_page .xg_column div#xg_canvas {width:980px!important;}
.xg_widget_page .xg_span-7{ display:none!important;}

Old Editor:

.xg_widget_page .xg_span-16 {width:945px!important;}
.xg_widget_page .xg_column .xj_classic_canvas {width:980px!important;}
.xg_widget_page .xg_span-4.xg_last{ display:none!important;}


Add the CSS for your selected layout, to your Advanced CSS.

Save and you're done.




Views: 844

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Jen,

I have tried all the codes above in my network, but it is still not work. My site is Can you help me?




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