An ongoing conversation about the crisis in Haiti.


This online community was created as a platform where all Haitians and friends of Haiti can voice their opinions about the current situation in Haiti.


Since the tragedy in Haiti is no longer being covered by the mainstream media; this site is a great place to find out the latest on the situation in Haiti as it recovers from the January 12, 2010 earthquake.


Haiti will rise again; however we must be united to make it happen! We Haitians, specially those of us living abroad should have a voice in the future of our beloved country. This is your chance to make YOUR voice heard. To join the Directory Listing and share your thoughts about the current crisis in Haiti, please Sign Up today. We look forward to your contributions to the site.

We dedicate this site to all the earthquake victims. L'Union fait la Force!


Our community motto: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, is it the only thing that ever has.” — Margaret Mead



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