FuseTrade - a community for creative types, collectors and fans, sharing our art, knowledge and creativity with the world.















Join the Conversation

Artists, Art Lovers, Galleries, Writers, Musicians, and Filmmakers, acquaintances, friends and family are welcome to join WORLDWIDE!

FuseTrade [BETA] We are a bright, fresh and new artist community with many inventive ventures headed our way! Tell us what you like, don't like, wish we would do for you as an artist, collector, lover of the arts, etc.


We are a community of art lovers, collectors, fans, art media of all types who want to establish a central point axis for collaborative creativity, learning and personal growth through ingenuity,  inspiration, inventiveness, originalityresourcefulness, talent and vision. We want to create long-lasting peer to peer friendships and client relationships. Collectors need to know their artists at the heart and soul of their work and life. Artists need to connect with the people whom they hope to inspire including other artists of all Medias to collaborate on ideas forexhibitions, films and entirely new ventures unknown to us yet!


Fans/Collectors/Hobbyists - Art lovers of all sorts and sizes

DO YOU WANT TO BE INSPIRED? You are the people we want to inspire.

  • What do you want from us? What do you need? What do you hope for in this life?
  • Do you want to feel the beautiful non-stop creative vibrations, energy and vision that is quaking through the earth at a heart stomping ethereal rate empowering you to live a more colorful, energetic, rhythmical life?
  • How important is it to you that artists, musicians, filmmakers, writers, poets etc. are a part of your everyday life?  How much would you like to know your favorite artists at the heart and soul of their work and purpose they are trying to achieve? Would you like to critique their work?  Do you want to read inspiring stories?  Do you simply want us to help you enjoy one moment of happiness, splendor, emotion, vibration, music, poetry, art in your life? Please share what inspires you.


DO YOU WANT TO INSPIRE? Who do you want to inspire?

  • FuseTrade is talking about all areas of creativity-- music, painters, photographers, comedians, poets, singers, songwriters, filmmakers etc. and the only thing Fusetrade asks of artists is to do what you do best, CREATE and share this creativity with everyone in the world.
  • Sharing creativity with one another is one of the most powerful forces that can unite humanities indifference's. The more you create and the more you connect with others from all over the world, the more we can capture the heart and soul of inspiration, beauty, love, survival, determination, perseverance and a million other purposeful adjectives.
  • ARTISTS INSPIRE Fusetrade, non-profit organizations, entrepreneurship, businesses, leaders, ideas, intelligence, community, and an infinite amount of other things in this world. So please, never stop creating.
  • We want to develop a neighborhood of people to connect with others all over the world and share meaningful and valuable information, support organizations doing good things in the world, share advice and tips about art shows, galleries, exhibitions, old art marketing mixed with the new etc. etc. etc

If you are someone who thinks that you might be an artist, the community would like to personally invite you to join FuseTrade to be inspired by other artists and anyone else who needs daily inspiration and movement in their life!



  • Create your artistic presents on FuseTrade with your profile and design control
  • Get help with establishing your long term vision, presence and strategy for your art career while at the same time helpingother artists achieve the same goal.
  • Develop and maintain your contacts bookings and exposure by connecting artists, collectors and fans in one place, in a unique and cutting edge environment that relentlessly supports your vision to the core of your artistic being.
  • FuseTrade will continuously post valuable information for artists to achieve their artistic goals, even if you are happy being a hobbyist forever.


Non-Profit Organizations:

FuseTrade is committed to non-profit organizations whose sole purpose is to relieve hunger, violence and fear and to unite itself with humanity.  Please share your websites, videos, blogs, "vlogs", photos, information on how others can help your organization change the outcome of global disasters and devastation, hunger, violence etc.


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