Welcome Team

With the recent changes to JenSocial (formerly the Ning Directory), it's a great time to start a new Welcome Team Group. Please join if you would like to help welcome new members. : )
  • Welcome Message Example

    This is just an example that may be helpful to you. It also contains a few helpful links for new members.Example Welcome Message:MESSAGE AFTER USING THE HTML AT BOTTOM OF THIS DISCUSSION:Hi xxxxx,Welcome to the JenSocial Network Directory, formerly a 3rd party Ning Directory - - now open to all…

    By JenSocial

  • Welcome Team Introductions

    This Discussion is a great place to introduce yourself and your Social Network to the rest of the Welcome Team!You are all awesome!Hugs,Jen

    By JenSocial

  • Welcome Team Badges

    If you could welcome new members from time to time, see example in main text box,that would be AWESOME! We have become such a family, I thought it was a greattime to open a new Welcome Team Group!Thank you for joining, andwelcome everyone!I have uploaded 2 versions of the VIP Badge, small and…

    By JenSocial
