Welcome Team

With the recent changes to JenSocial (formerly the Ning Directory), it's a great time to start a new Welcome Team Group. Please join if you would like to help welcome new members. : )

Welcome Team Introductions

This Discussion is a great place to introduce yourself and your Social Network to the rest of the Welcome Team!

You are all awesome!

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    Go Green Go Healthy

    Hi everyone my site is about promoting home-based businesses, tools & software
    affiliate programs, blogs, forum, promotional resources, sell products, advertise,
    connect with friends, connecting with groups. and much more. You are welcome
    to join us The Business Network
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      Pet Lovers Paradise

      Hi everyone! My name is Suzie and I am the Network Creator for Pet Lovers Paradise. PLP is a social community where folks with a passion for their pets come to chat and share their joy for their special pet. If you have a chance, come give us a visit. We promise to great you with open paws -- I mean, arms.
      Take care,
      Pet Lovers Paradise
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        Magic Happens

        Hello, l am Star-Dust and l love welcoming people to the site. I never really knew l like this so much until l met Jeanettee. l am FantasyLand