Alternative Solutions to Ning

Group where fellow Ning Network Creators can assist and brainstorm on good alternative Social Networking solutions, to Ning. Social Network !!!

Hello Friends,

I have created a site at and I must tel you that I am pretty satisified with what they have to offer. This site is specially good for people who cannot afford to get the features like as present in NING.

There are certain features which caught my eyes
1) Have lot of inbuild theme.
2) Your updates are commentable and likeable as it is in facebook.
3) You have online members tool, Latest members, top contributors, blogs, videos, photos and cool games as well.

I have a premium ning site, but I still wanted to make sure that I could be of some help for people who would want an alternative solution next to ning.

I would personally recommend to go for than to Spruz.
I created a site with spruz but I am not quite comfortable with it though, well everyone has their own opinion.

Hope this helps.
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    Black History Year Round

    Here is the website for community and support
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      Well, I setup a account Nov 09 and while I agree that its feature rich it is far from stable. The platform goes down regularly without warning. The response times to page requests can be just awful, regularly I get just blank white pages and no content, currently the response time when posting messages can be so slow that it appears as if the broswer has hung, 5 minutes later is seems to work, then next minute its gone again - grrr frustrating, user are having to re types post 2 and 3 times then they just give up. There are many many small bugs which will really annoy your user base e.g. IE8 users, when they create a private message the browser appears to hang, but if you wait a few seconds, then press F5 to refresh the broswer your message appears in the list of sent messages - this results in many people sending messages twice. As they introduce new features they introduce new bugs which as an administrator can become a real pain to deal with. I constantly have to correct my site template as things move all on their own. I have reported many many bugs and few appear to get fixed, those that do can reoccur again. Recently none of my members were getting email notifications of new posts!
      So I urge caution on at present, its not what I would even call a beta product given its current condition, but maybe it might improve - they seem like a nice team of devlopers but the end result leaves your users very frustrated and administrators even more so. As my teachers used to say, has the potential but could do better!
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        SHOW N TELL Communit-e

        The only thing that I do not like with layouts is the main page width. The center is too narrow, it doesn't show the actual photo or video size when you upload them. Even the individual profiles are the same way...too narrow in the body.
        Any solutions to this? Cuz all of the themes available seem to be narrow too.