Hi There -
You're artists and you love animals! I need you! I'm looking for people who are involved in Earth healing and activism, so I can promote their work on my network. I showcase anything that's Eco -- eco innovation, eco activism, eco design, permaculture, Earth spirituality, indigenous wisdom, eco art, eco music, eco warriors, ecopreneurs, eco unity, eco economy ending poverty and suffering), eco financing (green solutions like micro loans), eco consulting, people focused on environmental and social concerns, animal rights, etc. If you know people who are healing Mother Earth through various efforts, then please send them my way. Will you please send this note out to your Members, including MySpace, facebook, etc.? The more people we connect with for Earth healing, the quicker we solve destructive problems. My network is brand new. We need members. Lots of members who are active, or will get active to heal the Earth.
Hope this finds you doing terrific! I'm just doing my part in getting us noticed because if we come here every day, several times a day, give a hello, check out comments, blogs, etc...the chances of us moving to page #1 of Ning's Popular Networks are HUGE! How can we not get to the top TOGETHER?
Hope you are having a wonderful day! Don't forget that there is also Group that you can join on Ning Network Creators. This will help in getting us noticed by Network Creators who don't know about us yet, it will help in Search Engine Optimization, AND we will have even more links coming to the Ning Directory and to your Ning Networks. All you need to do, to contribute and be included, is join this Group and add your badge: http://networkcreators.ning.com/group/ningdirectory. I'm dreaming about our success. How about you?
Best regards,
Network Creator of Pet Lovers Paradise &
Directory of Ning Networks Staff Member
You're artists and you love animals! I need you! I'm looking for people who are involved in Earth healing and activism, so I can promote their work on my network. I showcase anything that's Eco -- eco innovation, eco activism, eco design, permaculture, Earth spirituality, indigenous wisdom, eco art, eco music, eco warriors, ecopreneurs, eco unity, eco economy ending poverty and suffering), eco financing (green solutions like micro loans), eco consulting, people focused on environmental and social concerns, animal rights, etc. If you know people who are healing Mother Earth through various efforts, then please send them my way. Will you please send this note out to your Members, including MySpace, facebook, etc.? The more people we connect with for Earth healing, the quicker we solve destructive problems. My network is brand new. We need members. Lots of members who are active, or will get active to heal the Earth.
Oct 19, 2008
Nov 9, 2008
Pet Lovers Paradise
Hope this finds you doing terrific! I'm just doing my part in getting us noticed because if we come here every day, several times a day, give a hello, check out comments, blogs, etc...the chances of us moving to page #1 of Ning's Popular Networks are HUGE! How can we not get to the top TOGETHER?
Hope you are having a wonderful day! Don't forget that there is also Group that you can join on Ning Network Creators. This will help in getting us noticed by Network Creators who don't know about us yet, it will help in Search Engine Optimization, AND we will have even more links coming to the Ning Directory and to your Ning Networks. All you need to do, to contribute and be included, is join this Group and add your badge: http://networkcreators.ning.com/group/ningdirectory. I'm dreaming about our success. How about you?
Best regards,
Network Creator of Pet Lovers Paradise &
Directory of Ning Networks Staff Member
Nov 29, 2008