A good leader inspires others with confidence in him; a great leader inspires them with confidence in themselves. Uknown ANOTHER BEUTIFUL DAY! ENJOY IT.. IF YOU ARE ABLE TO READ THIS RIGHT NOW, THEN THIS IS A BEAUTIFUL DAY! THE QUESTION IS, ARE YOU GOING TO KEEP IT THAT WAY? SINCE YOU CONTROL YOUR ATTITUDE, YOU CAN CONTROL YOUR DAY! ATTITUDE REFLECTS LEADERSHIP! The Self-Proclaimed Motivator, Gerald Simmons legalasone.ning.com Legal As One Motivational Network
Sorry could you delete me ? I`m just to busy trying get president Barack Obama , and tell him how we could save the economy and stimulate jobs creation .
Thank you Later
King of Prosperity Network
Oct 3, 2008
prince off darkness
Oct 7, 2008
Thank you Later
Feb 10, 2009