Welcome to the ND Network and thank you for adding your Network to our Directory! Please don't forget to invite other Network Creators! The more Communities we showcase on the Directory, the better for everyONE!
Changing Lives,
Directory of Ning Networks Staff Member /
Legal As One Motivational Network
(click above to join me on my "Million MIND March")
Together as "ONE" we can be the change we want to see in the world!
Hi Scruffy,
The "Last On" and "Last View" were part of a paid subscription service, that provided a package of scripts to enhance Ning Networks. The service/network is called Scripts4Ning. Ning has partnered with Scripts4Ning. Currently they have closed down all new membership/installs. BUT, the GREAT NEWS IS: Ning is working on preparing and getting the scripts available, to all Ning Networks, at no charge. Hang in there. I don't know how long it will be. But, from what I've read, they will implement a few scripts at a time, over time.
I'm not sure if you received the email about our member account names. Please change your member name to: A Room With A Moose. If you want to put Scruffy in the title, that works. As long as your Ning Network is the main part of your member name. Thanks!
Best to you,
Hi Scruffy, I just realized I didn't answer your question about advertising our site on your Network. Do you want a logo, instead of the badge? If you do, I will insert the logo here for you. Thanks! Best Regards, Jen
King of Prosperity Network
Changing Lives,
Directory of Ning Networks Staff Member /
Legal As One Motivational Network
Together as "ONE" we can be the change we want to see in the world!
Oct 25, 2008
The "Last On" and "Last View" were part of a paid subscription service, that provided a package of scripts to enhance Ning Networks. The service/network is called Scripts4Ning. Ning has partnered with Scripts4Ning. Currently they have closed down all new membership/installs. BUT, the GREAT NEWS IS: Ning is working on preparing and getting the scripts available, to all Ning Networks, at no charge. Hang in there. I don't know how long it will be. But, from what I've read, they will implement a few scripts at a time, over time.
I'm not sure if you received the email about our member account names. Please change your member name to: A Room With A Moose. If you want to put Scruffy in the title, that works. As long as your Ning Network is the main part of your member name. Thanks!
Best to you,
Dec 8, 2008
Dec 9, 2008