Help Moms Stop The Murders


Port Jervis, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Owner's Name
Tiffiany Ashley
Website/Blog Name
Help Moms Stop The Murders
Website Language
Social Website/Blog Address
Website Subcategory
Website Tags (please separate tags with a comma, phrases in quotes) i.e. videos,entertainment,"entertainment videos"
About Website
We are her to inspire, uplift and be positive..We want to uplift our future Kings & Queens..We want to teach the youth a better way to handle their problems through LOVE, RESPECT & FORGIVENESS!! We would also like to help families that have been hit with tragedy and prevent the occurrence of others..

Comment Wall:

  • Administrator☼JenSocial

  • Magic Happens

  • Magic Happens

    Thanks for the friendship
  • Administrator☼JenSocial

  • Guiding Angels Ministries

    Thank you for the support!
  • LiveLaughFreedom

    Thanks, have a wonderful week too.
  • Schopenhauer's Children

    Thank you :-)
  • Hagedisenland

    sorry for my bad englisch *g*
    Hello Help Moms,
    My friend Nancy was killed on 23.2.2005 by her ex-husband. Her 7 month old daughters Samantha lays helpless 7 days in the childroom in her bed, until the victim was found!
    Judgment of the culprit: 13 years of custody for manslaughter and tried murder.
    The physical damage of Samantha is a brain damage. 7 days no food. Her father lays a milkbottle beside her, but she was to young to hold the bottle.
    Now she lives with her brother in a foster home and the culprit comes out in few years.
    It´s so sadly.
    Light and Love
  • Hagedisenland

    Red Ribbon
  • Black History Year Round

    Red Ribbon
  • Black History Year Round

    Thanks for the gift! [smile]

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
  • Hagedisenland myspace graphic comments
    Myspace Thanks for the Add Graphics
    Have a great day!!
  • JenSocial

    Hi Tiffiany,
    I'm not quite sure how to say this, but I wanted you to know something. Every time I see the photo of you and your Son, my eyes fill with tears. I am so sorry for your loss. I applaud you for turning this into a positive memory in celebration of his life, via your Network.
    God Bless,
  • JenSocial

    Have a wonderful Sunday, and week coming up.
  • Successful Women Network

    thank you very much for the gift :)
  • Guiding Angels Ministries

    Thank you! Thank you also for joining the site.
  • Fantasyland "Admin."

    Your gift is appreciated.
  • JenSocial

    Thank you! And, I wish you a perfectly wonderful, rest of week.
    Be Blessed,
  • Administrator☼JenSocial

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • LiveLaughFreedom

    Love & Light* with Happy Easter blessings, smiles & hugs
    your friend & Pleiadian sister of Light*
    Nelly xxx
  • JenSocial

    Happy Easter to you! I noticed the RSS feed to the left, and where someone was writing about forgiveness. It made me think of this little lamb photo I had on my computer. ;-)

    God Bless, Jen
  • JenSocial

    I kinda thought you'd like the little lamb.
    God Bless you too,
  • LiveLaughFreedom

    Love & Light* with Happy Easter blessings, smiles & lots of hugs
    your friend & Pleiadian sister of Light*
    Nelly xxx

    Easter is a time of love, of family, and of peace.
    It is a time when we say a quiet thanks
    for all that we have and for all that
    the future holds.

    Easter is a feeling in our hearts of hope and faith and trust.
    It is a day of miracles;
    a day when our dreams seem a little closer;
    a time of retrospection
    for what has been and anticipation of all that will be.

    And it is a time for remembering with love and appreciation
    the people in our lives who make a difference…
    people like you.

    Happy Easter Wishes to You and Your Family!

  • EPNetwork

    Thanks for the gift, I appreciate!
  • Social Club Lounge

    Hello Tiffiany Ashley, just stopping by to say hi!
  • The Empath Enclave

    Thank you for the welcome Tiffany. I love what you stand for!
  • Karen Gerling

    Thank you for the warm welcome!!
    Love this site! Wish I would have found it a lot sooner.
    Great to be here. I look forward ot getting to know you.
    Have a great weekend!
  • JenSocial

    A gift as a small token to express my appreciation to our Official Greeters - - thank you!
  • Gems3125

    Thank You For The Wonderful Welcome!! You Have A Beautiful Site here :) I just love what you did here. Have a Really Nice Week!

  • Emanuela Di Stefano