Hi Doug. It's Miss Cherry Pit. Ning has a great new App called Muziic. It goes in the top of the page as a tab. I've had it for 3 days now and love it. It is free and you could pick all your favorite songs and music video's. Save them on a track or just choose to listen what ever song you want. From A-Z artist's. I have a new song I like called you now by Lady Allbeum. The song is called " I Need You Now " very good country and the steel guitar is wonderful. Just go to manage and pick Ning's App's It's fast like 35 seconds and it's on your site. Good luck and feel free to tell me if you are interested or how you like the new App.
Apr 9, 2010
Laughing is Mandatory
Apr 12, 2010
Themes - Rosas Negras
Feb 12, 2014