Welcome to the Directory of Ning Networks! I thought I would take a minute and introduce myself to other members here. I am so glad we've been brought together this way and look forward to sharing ideas, learning from one another and, above all, making it easier for folks to find us and ultimately sharing our networks! I'm sure you are, too, and would love it if you would pass on this site information to other Network Creators. The more communities, the more visibility for all of us. Take care and I hope you have a wonderful day, Suzie/Owner: Pet Lovers Paradise
I want to take this time to just stop by and introduce myself, Im Danielle. Lets help make this network #1 so that we can all benefit, just drop by often, check your comments, and replying. I hope to see more of you in the future :) Lets Go To The Top, Together!
Happy Networking,
Owner of Babies In The Sky &
Directory of Ning Networks Staff Member
http://www.enerjizedlife.com/profile/AIMMANUELBENJAMINE http://www.flickr.com/photos/babiyatha_mission/ http://babiyathamissionindia.ning.com/profile/AIMMANUELBENJAMINE/
iam pastor.a.immanuel benjamine from India we our ministry called babiyathamission still we do8 years the ministry I got twokids and good wife ,we worship in a tent last 5 years, god provide a land for us we need a small worhip center there also we have 15 orphans children with us we need sponsers for that we have ministry with tribels
we have ministry in north India we got 100 street children we educate them we need
support and prayers
in god’s service
pastor.a.immanuel benjamine from India
Pet Lovers Paradise
Oct 5, 2008
Babies In The Sky / Danielle
I want to take this time to just stop by and introduce myself, Im Danielle. Lets help make this network #1 so that we can all benefit, just drop by often, check your comments, and replying. I hope to see more of you in the future :) Lets Go To The Top, Together!
Happy Networking,
Owner of Babies In The Sky &
Directory of Ning Networks Staff Member
Oct 5, 2008
iam pastor.a.immanuel benjamine from India we our ministry called babiyathamission still we do8 years the ministry I got twokids and good wife ,we worship in a tent last 5 years, god provide a land for us we need a small worhip center there also we have 15 orphans children with us we need sponsers for that we have ministry with tribels
we have ministry in north India we got 100 street children we educate them we need
support and prayers
in god’s service
pastor.a.immanuel benjamine from India
Jan 4, 2010