the witches Den


Bruceton, TN

United States

Profile Information:

Owner's Name
snow wolf aka lisa adams
Website/Blog Name
the witches Den
Website Language
Social Website/Blog Address
Website Subcategory
wiccan/pagan community
Website Tags (please separate tags with a comma, phrases in quotes) i.e. videos,entertainment,"entertainment videos"
friendship. knowledge, teachings,inspirational
Mature (not quite R)
About Website
Socialparadox shutdown their network without notice si i lost all 7 of my sites so i am now moving and setting them up one by one on the network, hope many of you will join me on the witches den formally the witches lair
this is a place for pagan/wiccan folk and people of all religions to exchange ideas and knowledge with one another
and make friends.......and much more

Comment Wall:

  • Pet Lovers Paradise

    Welcome to the Directory of Ning Networks! I thought I would take a minute and introduce myself to other members here. I am so glad we've been brought together this way and look forward to sharing ideas, learning from one another and, above all, making it easier for folks to find us and ultimately sharing our networks! I'm sure you are, too, and would love it if you would pass on this site information to other Network Creators. The more communities, the more visibility for all of us. Take care and I hope you have a wonderful day, Suzie/Owner: Pet Lovers Paradise
  • JenSocial

    Hi witches hair!
    Welcome to the Directory! We have several greeters, BUT when I can, I like to welcome new members. So, welcome! LOL
    I hope you find the Directory rewarding both to you and your Network.
    Best to you,
  • Magickal Gatherings

    I advertised all over the internet with my badge and it brought in the members. I'll be joining up when I'm done with this and see who I can invite for you. I don't send invites from the site, I email each friend that I know might be interested. This way it's not deleted as spam.
  • United In Spirit

    Hello! Hoping you’re enjoying the Directory Of Ning Networks! We’re pleased to have you here and value your contributions. Please feel free to promote your network, get your message “out there”! Don’t forget the great chat facilities on site, pop in and meet other site creators, don’t be shy!

    Best Wishes, Jodie
    Directory of Ning Networks Staff Member / United In Spirit
  • Magic Happens

  • Pet Lovers Paradise

    Hope this finds you doing terrific! I'm just doing my part in getting us noticed because if we come here every day, several times a day, give a hello, check out comments, blogs, etc...the chances of us moving to page #1 of Ning's Popular Networks are HUGE! How can we not get to the top TOGETHER?

    Hope you are having a wonderful day! Don't forget that there is also Group that you can join on Ning Network Creators. This will help in getting us noticed by Network Creators who don't know about us yet, it will help in Search Engine Optimization, AND we will have even more links coming to the Ning Directory and to your Ning Networks. All you need to do, to contribute and be included, is join this Group and add your badge: I'm dreaming about our success. How about you?

    Best regards,
    Network Creator of Pet Lovers Paradise &
    Directory of Ning Networks Staff Member
  • JenSocial

    This is what I did recently when I needed to add a Ning Network for another site (both created under same Ning ID). I opened another browser, and used a different email (bogus in fact), and it worked fine. Let me know how that goes. I think in this case, you should start another account on the Directory, dedicated to the theme site.
    P.S. PLUS, I'm about to make a big announcement, where it will be better for you to have 2 accounts.
  • The Witches' Garden

    MySpace Graphics
  • Magickal Gatherings

  • Moonlit Gardens

  • Moonlit Gardens

  • JenSocial

    Excellent! I did notice a lot of members over night that were sent by you. Thank you very much! I really appreciate you helping spread the word like that. :-) In fact, was planning on writing you tonight!
    Best to you,
  • JenSocial

    I'm featuring your member account for 2 months, because of so many members joining, from your invitations.
    Thank you!
  • Administrator☼JenSocial

    This looks like fun and easy to get lost and confused ~ might have to bent your ear now again with help on this site O.K. Thanks for the invite ~ Blessings Saralonde ~

  • JenSocial

    Thank you for your awesome support of this site! I really appreciate it. Nice image in my comment, thanks!
    Best to you,
  • WhatsUpTV

  • Administrator☼JenSocial

  • Administrator☼JenSocial

    y is love u day. Send to everyone you love. Whether it s real love or friend love. Ur spoiled if you get 4 back.
    > >
    > > Did Anyone Ever Tell You
    > > How Important You Make Others Feel
    > > Somebody out here is Smiling
    > > About Love that is so Real
    > >
    > > Did Anyone Ever Tell You that
    > > Many Times When They were Sad
    > > Your E-mail (and chats) made Them Smile a bit
    > > In Fact It made Them Glad
    > >
    > > For the Time You Spend Sending Things
    > > And Sharing whatever You Find
    > > There are No Words to Thank You
    > > But Somebody, Thinks You re Fine
    > >
    > > Did Anyone Ever Tell You
    > > Just How Much They Love You
    > > Well, My Dearest Friend
    > > Today I am Telling You
  • Administrator☼JenSocial

    If you haven't figured it out who this is I use to be Medicine Woman's Spiritual.Lodge. Saralonde Deborah
  • Administrator☼JenSocial

    I have been busy making layouts ~ Here is my latest

    Thanks to you, who started me with my first ccs codes.
  • JenSocial

    Happy to see you! I hope you are having fun with your new PC.
    Happy Labor Day!
    Best to you,
  • JenSocial

    Thanks Snow Wolf. I agree. And, I think most NCs use FireFox. But, this appears to even go beyond IE. Hopefully we will get everything sorted out, today.
    Thanks again,
  • JenSocial

    Is this is happening on this site? If yes, can you tell me which pages?
  • Rainbow Construction

    We would be happy to help you with any css questions you may have. We also have a member who makes Wiccan/Pagan themes, if any of your members would like to use some ready-made themes.