About Website
PetBrags is like a MySpace for all pets, and it's free! Join our Social Community for pet lovers and their pets. It's a Dog Community, Cat Community, Bird Community, Hamster Community, Horse Community, Rabbit Community - - Pet Community for all Pet Lovers! Create an account today, and have fun designing your pet's page! We are a family oriented, kid-friendly site for all pet-lovers. Make new friends, brag on your pet kids, upload and share photos, videos, music, create groups, blogs, forums, RSS Feeds of your blog, and chat with other pet-lovers! BIRDS, CATS, DOGS, DONKEYS, FISH, FROGS, GERBILS, HAMSTERS, HORSES, RABBITS, RATS, REPTILES, TURTLES, ALL PETS WELCOME!
Unfortunately, they are not all divided up by their own emails. So, I'll skip them. They are more local and related to education. I appreciate you taking the time to respond.
Nice to meet you too. I will be stopping by on occassion. Great job and great theme. I look forward to exploring your areas of interest as well as all that you have brought together. I will definately do my part to support you as the concept is very aligned with my own.
Andrew Carnegie: Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.
Directory of Ning Networks Staff Member / Legal As One Motivational Network
Hello! Hoping you’re enjoying the Directory Of Ning Networks! We’re pleased to have you here and value your contributions. Please feel free to promote your network, get your message “out there”! Don’t forget the great chat facilities on site, pop in and meet other site creators, don’t be shy!
Best Wishes, Jodie
Directory of Ning Networks Staff Member /
United In Spirit
A good leader inspires others with confidence in him; a great leader inspires them with confidence in themselves. Uknown ANOTHER BEUTIFUL DAY! ENJOY IT.. IF YOU ARE ABLE TO READ THIS RIGHT NOW, THEN THIS IS A BEAUTIFUL DAY! THE QUESTION IS, ARE YOU GOING TO KEEP IT THAT WAY? SINCE YOU CONTROL YOUR ATTITUDE, YOU CAN CONTROL YOUR DAY! ATTITUDE REFLECTS LEADERSHIP! The Self-Proclaimed Motivator, Gerald Simmons Legal As One Motivational Network
Hi Jen and company -
Can't wait to get back to design my page with photos of Red, my angel dog. But for now I wanted to ask you to help spread the word.
I'm looking for people who are involved in Earth healing and activism, so I can promote their work on my network. I showcase anything that's Eco -- eco innovation, eco teens, environmental youth media, eco activism, eco design, permaculture, Earth spirituality, indigenous wisdom, eco art, eco music, eco warriors, ecopreneurs, eco unity, eco economy ending poverty and suffering, eco financing, eco consulting, people focused on environmental and social concerns, animal rights, etc. I have a regular feature on the left hand column called "Green Action for Pets."
If you know people who are healing Mother Earth through various efforts, then please send them my way. Will you please send this note out to your Members, including MySpace, facebook, etc.? The more people we connect for Earth healing, the quicker we solve destructive problems. My network is brand new. We need members. Lots of members who are active, or will get active to heal the Earth. Come join! Tell others!
Thanks, and many blessings to you and your beloved pets.
Sarah Palin G.A.L.S.
Jun 13, 2008
Stacey Chadwell International~Where Performance Meets Excellence
Thank you for the invitation. Look forward to seeing you here!
Kind regards,
Sep 2, 2008
Stacey Chadwell International~Where Performance Meets Excellence
Sep 2, 2008
Stacey Chadwell International~Where Performance Meets Excellence
Unfortunately, they are not all divided up by their own emails. So, I'll skip them. They are more local and related to education. I appreciate you taking the time to respond.
Have a good day!
Sep 2, 2008
Sep 23, 2008
Area Light
Sep 24, 2008
Stacey Chadwell International~Where Performance Meets Excellence
BTW, the rankings...did you find that at scripts4ning?
Sep 29, 2008
Sarah Palin G.A.L.S.
Sep 29, 2008
Pet Cancer Support Community
Sep 30, 2008
King of Prosperity Network
Charles Ghigna
A thoughtful word, a thoughtful deed,
We never lose the knack,
For kindness is a boomerang
That always comes right back.
Changing Lives,
Gerald Simmons
Sep 30, 2008
King of Prosperity Network
Directory of Ning Networks Staff Member / Legal As One Motivational Network
Oct 1, 2008
United In Spirit
Best Wishes, Jodie
Directory of Ning Networks Staff Member / United In Spirit
Oct 2, 2008
King of Prosperity Network
Oct 3, 2008
Can't wait to get back to design my page with photos of Red, my angel dog. But for now I wanted to ask you to help spread the word.
I'm looking for people who are involved in Earth healing and activism, so I can promote their work on my network. I showcase anything that's Eco -- eco innovation, eco teens, environmental youth media, eco activism, eco design, permaculture, Earth spirituality, indigenous wisdom, eco art, eco music, eco warriors, ecopreneurs, eco unity, eco economy ending poverty and suffering, eco financing, eco consulting, people focused on environmental and social concerns, animal rights, etc. I have a regular feature on the left hand column called "Green Action for Pets."
If you know people who are healing Mother Earth through various efforts, then please send them my way. Will you please send this note out to your Members, including MySpace, facebook, etc.? The more people we connect for Earth healing, the quicker we solve destructive problems. My network is brand new. We need members. Lots of members who are active, or will get active to heal the Earth. Come join! Tell others!
Thanks, and many blessings to you and your beloved pets.
Oct 19, 2008
Sarah Palin G.A.L.S.
Nov 6, 2008
Lady Brigetta's Mystical Talk
Just stopping by to say hello and good luck with this new site.
Hugs, Paige
Nov 15, 2008
Dec 4, 2008