Welcome to the ND Network and thank you for adding your Network to our Directory!
Making your mark on the world is hard. If it were easy, everybody would do it. But it's not. It takes patience, it takes commitment, and it comes with plenty of failure along the way. The real test is not whether you avoid this failure, because you won't. it's whether you let it harden or shame you into inaction, or whether you learn from it; whether you choose to persevere. ~BARACK OBAMA
click above to join our motivational group here on the ND Network
Changing Lives,
Gerald Simmons
Directory of Ning Networks Staff Member
Legal As One Motivational Network
Welcome to the Directory of Ning Networks! I thought I would take a minute and introduce myself to other members here. I am so glad we've been brought together this way and look forward to sharing ideas, learning from one another and, above all, making it easier for folks to find us and ultimately sharing our networks! I'm sure you are, too, and would love it if you would pass on this site information to other Network Creators. The more communities, the more visibility for all of us. Take care and I hope you have a wonderful day, Suzie Directory of Ning Networks Staff Member /Suzie/Owner:
Pet Lovers Paradise PS - Just a tip: To help get your Network more attention, when Community Seekers are searching through the Communities - - it is recommended that you change your Member Name to your Network Name, and your Member Photo to your Network Logo. If your personal name and photo, are representing your Network, then that's great! Also, don't forget to add your Ning Networks to THE LIST. You can add multiple Ning Networks under one member account. Be sure to close Discussion/Listing, if you don't want commenting. Don't forget that there's also a Group on Ning Network Creators. Please join this group so that we can get noticed by Network Creators who don't know about us yet. This will help in Search Engine Optimization, and we will have even more links coming to the Ning Directory and to your Ning Networks. Here's where to join: http://networkcreators.ning.com/group/ningdirectory
Welcome Tim,
We apologize for the inconvenience, and would love for you to visit the site often. The Directory was built just for Site Visitors like you, to enjoy. This is a great place to preview 100s of Ning Networks, and to find that perfect Social Community to join.
However, you do not need to join the Directory, unless you are a Ning Network Creator or Representative. In order for your account to be approved for final inclusion in the Directory, the required field of a valid Ning Network URL must be included. To meet the Directory guidelines, you are required to represent a Ning Network, either as a Creator or Administrator. If you are not representing a Ning Network, unfortunately we cannot approve your account. We truly do apologize for this inconvenience. The reason we cannot approve: to keep the Directory, truly - - the "Directory of Ning Networks".
Our Sign-up pages contain this information. See Guidelines for details.
Please let me know if you are representing a Ning Network. And if not, would you like for us to delete your account, or would you rather do this?
In the event we do not hear back from you, we will delete your account for you.
Thank you for understanding,
Ning Directory
King of Prosperity Network
Making your mark on the world is hard. If it were easy, everybody would do it. But it's not. It takes patience, it takes commitment, and it comes with plenty of failure along the way. The real test is not whether you avoid this failure, because you won't. it's whether you let it harden or shame you into inaction, or whether you learn from it; whether you choose to persevere.
Changing Lives,
Gerald Simmons
Directory of Ning Networks Staff Member
Legal As One Motivational Network
Jan 11, 2009
Pet Lovers Paradise
THE LIST. You can add multiple Ning Networks under one member account. Be sure to close Discussion/Listing, if you don't want commenting. Don't forget that there's also a Group on Ning Network Creators. Please join this group so that we can get noticed by Network Creators who don't know about us yet. This will help in Search Engine Optimization, and we will have even more links coming to the Ning Directory and to your Ning Networks. Here's where to join: http://networkcreators.ning.com/group/ningdirectory
Jan 11, 2009
We apologize for the inconvenience, and would love for you to visit the site often. The Directory was built just for Site Visitors like you, to enjoy. This is a great place to preview 100s of Ning Networks, and to find that perfect Social Community to join.
However, you do not need to join the Directory, unless you are a Ning Network Creator or Representative. In order for your account to be approved for final inclusion in the Directory, the required field of a valid Ning Network URL must be included. To meet the Directory guidelines, you are required to represent a Ning Network, either as a Creator or Administrator. If you are not representing a Ning Network, unfortunately we cannot approve your account. We truly do apologize for this inconvenience. The reason we cannot approve: to keep the Directory, truly - - the "Directory of Ning Networks".
Our Sign-up pages contain this information. See Guidelines for details.
Please let me know if you are representing a Ning Network. And if not, would you like for us to delete your account, or would you rather do this?
In the event we do not hear back from you, we will delete your account for you.
Thank you for understanding,
Ning Directory
Jan 11, 2009