Writers and Writing, Poets and Poetry, Books and Literature
Website Tags (please separate tags with a comma, phrases in quotes) i.e. videos,entertainment,"entertainment videos"
philosophy, religion, history, sociology, media, poetry, literature
About Website
This tapestry, my webpage, of 42 links endows a host of themes, a wide range of social science and humanities subjects, spiritual and secular topics, with many layers of meaning and tries to evoke a complex range of responses in readers. The author has also tried to evolve over the last several decades a writing style which is highly individual by fusing together much from the humanities and the social and physical sciences, from his own life and his religion. He likes to think he appeals to both the novitiate, the veteran, people on a multitude of spiritual and secular paths. There are some 450,000 pages of autobiographical narrative, poetry, essays and interviews which readers might like to see as one long diary, journal and commentary on life.
Hello! Hoping you’re enjoying the Directory Of Ning Networks! We’re pleased to have you here and value your contributions. Please feel free to promote your network, get your message “out there”! Don’t forget the great chat facilities on site, pop in and meet other site creators, don’t be shy!
Best Wishes, Jodie
Directory of Ning Networks Staff Member /
United In Spirit
Hi Ron!
Thank you for visiting the site often, and helping us go to the top, together. You are appreciated. Have a great rest of week. I'm probably about to call it a day, soon. :-)
Best Regards,
Pet Lovers Paradise
Sep 25, 2008
United In Spirit
Best Wishes, Jodie
Directory of Ning Networks Staff Member / United In Spirit
Oct 1, 2008
OregonShout _YoUNITY
Oct 2, 2008
OregonShout _YoUNITY
as a writer you may enjoy the download Pdf on our page
Oct 2, 2008
Thank you for visiting the site often, and helping us go to the top, together. You are appreciated. Have a great rest of week. I'm probably about to call it a day, soon. :-)
Best Regards,
Oct 16, 2008
Have a great day!
Oct 16, 2008