I need to find a simple color palette color picker for my website, and it cany be a java script code as its not allowed on my site because its a free site i dont pay for premium services, or a copy and paste color picker for my website anyone know where i can get one, thanks, Snow Wolf
how to add a google search in my ning site ?
Aug 5, 2012
Tips by Alex/JenSocial
You can add Google custom search here:
Get the code and put it in a text box. :)
Aug 17, 2012
the witches Den
I need to find a simple color palette color picker for my website, and it cany be a java script code as its not allowed on my site because its a free site i dont pay for premium services, or a copy and paste color picker for my website anyone know where i can get one, thanks, Snow Wolf
Sep 6, 2016