Ning Network Tips - Archived Tips

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Crazy Design Trick: Give a mind blowing look to your ning forum.

Jfarrow is looking for THE BEST 3RD PARTY FORUMS TO INTEGRATE INTO NING. His idea is not bad. However, we can give a different or nice look to your ning forum if you have a tweaking knowledge. But how? Here we go.....

Instructions: No headache, no editing, no changing. Simply copy and paste the code into custom code area. 

You may want to change your preferences such as colors, font size, icons etc., please contact me via my email at Or you can play with the code after extracting the JS file.

The Code

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>


Live Preview: Here


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    Lady Shadow )0(

    Id love to change color thanks Id love change background color

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      Rich M.

      I would love to implement this on my site but have no coding knowledge. Is it even still possible now?

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        Rich M.

        Does anyone know i f th is still works? And alls you have to do is c&p it onto sites custom code? Or the forums module?
