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How To Remove Right Column for a Group - UPDATE after New Ning

Related Tip:
How To Remove Right Column For Pages

Since things have changed and the Ning ID and Ads have been removed from the right column; I would like to share a nice tip with everyone. With the new Ning, any site that has access to the Custom Code Box (previously Analytics Box) can use this tip: Ning Plus and Ning Pro

How to remove the right column from a specific Group (Main Page of Group):
  1. Add the following code to your Custom Code Box, via (My Network/Tools/Custom Code).
  2. Be sure to change the Group name. Use the exact name at the end of your group URL. For example, the Group URL for the Ning Tips on JenSocial is: "". If I wanted to remove the right column from this Group, I would replace the 'your_group_name' with 'ningnetworktips'

UPDATE July 21, 2010: If you are using this code and it stopped working, please copy/replace using the updated code, below.

<script type="text/javascript">
if (window.location.href.split('group/')[1] == 'your_group_name') {

The code below will also remove the Group Header (where the Group icon takes up too much space, and the Group Text Box Header. Most Network Creators will probably not want these 2 elements removed. If you do not, please use code above.

<script type="text/javascript">
if (window.location.href.split('group/')[1] == 'your_group_name') {


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    Mind's Eye

    Hi Jen, I'm not sure what is meant by
    UPDATE July 21, 2010 (If you are using this code, copy/replace your 3rd line of code where you see x$('.xg_column.xg_span-4.xg_last').css('display','none');
    Just that brain is a little overwhelm these thanks
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    Susan Kay Daniels

    How do I get this to work for all groups on my site?




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      Predestined by God

      This tip doesn't seem to be working for me. Am I suppose to add the entire URL of my group that I want to hide/remove? And do I have to do this for each different group?  I'd like to remove the right column for all groups. BTW... I'm still using the Ning 2.0 platform, which I still love ;)... Thanks!
