Tell Us Your Story - Your Social Network & Purpose

We'd all love to hear about your Social Community/Network. Tell us about it. What's your purpose/theme? Your aspirations? Your Ambitions? Your Accomplishments?

The Witches And Wizards Network

The reason i decided to start this site was because i own 4 other sites on the ning network, and 2 are theme/layout site where ning members can come join and learn to make css themes/layouts   and the other 2 including this one is for wiccans/pagan and the like to come together and make friends and learn from each other, the witches and wizards network, I a teaching/mentoring site for the young and old and newbies to come learn from the teachers and mentors, whom will help them on their path that they have chosen to follow, this site if you join, it will be manditory to learn etc on a daily bases, if you want to know more you can find me on, the witches lair, the secret garden mythical realm, snow wolfs themes and more, and the witches council as well, If you would like to know more just ask...
blessed be, love and light to all, snow wolf