Ning Network Tips - Archived Tips

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  • JenSocial

    Be sure to add new discussions for questions. I check them several times a day.
    Add under the Support Group here:
    Our Support Group

  • Carny Town

    Jen. Question. If (with a pro paid site on ning) we add an IFrame of our site to another Ning site or an HTML page on one of our other sites. Is it possible to resize the Ning site so that it fits on the (containing) page? Do you know of CSS code or otherwise that would do this?
  • Forbes

    any tips on custom sub-headers?
  • JenSocial

    Carny Town, sorry, sometimes I don't see the comments, unless in a discussion I created. I try to check often, but been extra busy this week.

    Did you figure this out? I left a nice tip somewhere, probably Creators, since mention of iframes freaked members out on JenSocial, go figure. I'll have to find it. It will show you how to add the iframe to a new page, and only show portions of the frame, so you don't see double headers and such.

    I'll write again when I find that, or recreate the tip and add to JenSocial Ning Tips.
  • JenSocial

    There are some tips on custom sub-headers, I think. Did you search yet? Be sure to use the Google search at top right of site. The Ning search is worthless right now.
    Let me know. I'll try to look too.
  • JenSocial

    These comments will seem confusing at first. If you read through them a couple of times, I believe it will help you on framing a Ning site.

  • JenSocial

    I added some answers/tips to your profile page.
  • Forbes

    Thanks Jen.I tried to creat a link on my tab manager,and everything disappeared.any idea how i can restore them?
  • Forbes

    when i click tab manager the page appear blank,i can only see the "Tab Manager" heading.
  • Forbes

    I have fixed it.I was using Google chrome,everything was blank.I switched to firebox and was able to view the "Tab Manager" again.I have deleted the stubborn link.

    How did you add shade at the edges of your side columns?I must say BIG THANKS YOU! for all your tips.I have tried some recently,and they're working fine!
  • JenSocial

    The shadow was created in my background image, using photoshop.

    Glad you like the tips!
  • Forbes

    sorry for the typo errors,i mean "Firefox" and "BIG THANK YOU!".
  • JenSocial

    BTW, very smart move on your part:
    "...I was using Google chrome,everything was blank.I switched to firebox and was able to view the "Tab Manager" again."
  • JenSocial

    What typos, LOL?! I didn't even notice, no joke.
  • Forbes

  • Forbes

    i will prefer a larger google search underneath my network name,same as in google search homepage.Is it possible?
  • The Employment Empire

    New Guy Here! This is a Great Group! I've already seen a couple of things to "Hot Rod" my site!
  • The Employment Empire

    We had a Great Review! See it at:
  • funflowingmusik

    jen when i click tips at top and ning support in 24 hours that page in isnt working .
  • JenSocial

    Yeah, I removed it. That was using a Ning App that isn't working. Sorry for the inconvenience. If you need support in 24 hours, it would be at my regular rates. I'm discontinuing the other offers, due to very few takers. Funny, I get 50x more paying Customers through the normal offerings and fees. If you need help quickly, just email me.
    Best Regards,
  • Writer Chick

    Jen, how did you get the points system that is on our profile pages? Where it shows the number of groups joined, the number of blog posts, etc. And then there is a ranking above it.

    Is this another one of those Scripts4Ning things that the rest of us can't have?? If so, this just annoys me! Ning should reinstate the ones that worked!
  • JenSocial

    Hi Donna,
    The points system is part of the former Scripts3Ning, and unfortunately no longer available to new networks.
  • Carny Town

    Hey, Jen. Maybe you have a css trick up your sleeve for this. I need to change the navigation tabs at the top of the homepage (and profiles etc.) to individual colors or possibly make individual backrounds for each one. In other words. GREEN RED BLUE ETC. You probably remember our logo which is a rainbow CARNYTOWN. I would like the tabs to be different colors so our members can remember that the forum is red, invite is is blue etc. Any ideas JP gave me some code but so far we have not made it work. Has anybody asked for this before? I cannot seem to find it on any of the developer or creator sites.
  • soʀa

    Mm you do can do it, by css, it's simple i had done it with my [change navigation letters to picture] thing. If you know how to change the nav to picture like usual site. You know the drill.


    It's simple just use the spesific code of the tabs, and #xg_tab_groups like that if i remember, then change the background of it, at hover #xg_tab_groups:hover, like that. iF IT isn't Ning default or you add the tab yourself, found out the css class it supposed to look like this #xg_tab_123 with numbers and such.

  • JenSocial

    Sora,, thanks! I think we got that done for Carny Town on another forum. You're very kind to offer help on this.

    Thanks again,


  • Mario Benites

    Hi everyone! I am new here and just want to share my opinion about this network. I come here more times than on Ning Creators and recently I made the best investment in my social network (, because I am member of the Premium Ning Tips group. Jen's support is excellent and fast. She even solve issues that are not on the Tips list. I strongly recommend it!
  • JenSocial


    Thank you for your kind and supportive comments! I really appreciate it. I have started a discussion in the Premium Tips for Testimonials. if you would like to copy/paste your comments there, I will add you to the News Ticker Expander on the home page. Or, if you like, I can copy/paste from here, with your permission.


    Thanks again,


  • DOUB

    My site is just add like button it great ,
  • DOUB

    hi jen did not work i copy it but it would not paste in the text box
  • DOUB

    How you add show case points to site
  • elsodev

    Hi DOUB ,

    The showcase points is an old script from scripts4ning . It is no longer available nor able to use it on your network as it requires to go into Ning core files to install through Webdav.


  • the witches Den

    where can i find the code for scrollbox for google ads section
  • Barbara Schneier

    I have added the the forum as a feature on the main page. I have chosen detail view. It seems to only have one line space between the discussions and looks too cluttered. Is there a way to make it double spaced or a space and a half between each discussion. I wish I could have the same format as on the Forum page itself, but it seems they formatted the main page forum differently. Any help would be appreciated!!

  • Fire-Tech

    If you are looking for some motivational quote feeds, Here's a collection to get some ideas.
  • Mind's Eye

    Hi Jen,  I just finished my background automation that allows 2 different backgrounds per day for different seven days on and I was wondering why the transitions on IE are clean and the transitions on firefox are choppy.  Actually its no big deal but I like how it happens on IE.  When you go to the page click refresh and you should see the image change. I'll give you the code so you can see...hugs Ralphy
  • erik bergen

    For more e-mail address collection I use pop domination. This launches a nice popup (to what extent a pop-up can be beautiful) when you first open the page.
  • Barbara Schneier

    I have a big problem with the way the discussion forum lists comments. i really need to be able to list the latest comment first. Why they have it the other way around makes no sense. Is there anyway to make this happen? Any help would be appreciated.  Barbara

  • JenSocial


    This always confuses me. I don't think it's possible to control the order of Forum replies. However, you can control whether the replies are threaded or flat, and the order of discussions on the main Forum page. And here's what is really confusing: You can control the order of comments for everything else.

    Order of Comments

    Forum Control - what's available

    Best Regards,


  • Ramon Batista

    Hi, Jen.... I will like to have a fixed picture in my web, like El Camino Lovers's Page has it ... I mean, when I scroll down the picture in the back stay fixed... How can I do it ?

  • Fire-Tech


    1. Optimize the picture you want in Photoshop or here.
    2. Upload the image to your file manager (or a blog).
    3. Copy the image URL & replace the "Your Image URL" in the code below with the one from your image.
    4. Add the entire code to your advanced CSS.

    /* Background that stays still */
    body {background-size:100% 100%; background: url(Your Image URL)fixed center top;


  • Ramon Batista

    Thank you for your support Fire-Tech.   I did it, but it's the same... I mean, the two soccer balls still are moving down or up :(  

    I have tried with

    body {
    background:#000000 url( dominicano.jpg) no-repeat fixed center top!important;}

    But still the same

    You can check it at

    Thank you for your time

  • Fire-Tech

    Your image URL is bad. If you are using the blog method:

    1. Start a new blog
    2. Click on the file icon (not the photo Icon) and upload your image
    3. Make your blog only visible to you
    4. Publish the blog
    5. Click on the file you uploaded within the blog (this will open the picture in a new tab in your browser)
    6. Copy that URL from the new browser tab and put it in the code from before
    7. Add the code to your Advanced CSS

    Hope that helps :)

  • JenSocial


    You have several things going on, and difficult to test this. I see the following code, and the backgrounds need to be removed. They are overtaking your efforts for body background. Remove the code in bold. Be sure to back up Advanced CSS, first.

    .xg_theme #xg {
    backgroundurl("*8luJeKT*JN3Ggax3ZjaAq2HtHxuEr9UytATXiQ0/BALONDOMINICANO.jpg?xn_version=201207200051") repeat-x scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF;
        backgroundurl("*8luJeKT*JN3Ggax3ZjaAq2HtHxuEr9UytATXiQ0/BALONDOMINICANO.jpg?xn_version=201207200051") repeat-x scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF;


    Then, following Fire-Tech's code, add this to your Advanced CSS:
    body {

    background:#000000 url("*8luJeKT*JN3Ggax3ZjaAq2HtHxuEr9UytATXiQ0/BALONDOMINICANO.jpg") repeat-x fixed!important;
    This may not totally get it, but you'll be closer, and I can test this better.
    Best Regards,
  • JenSocial

    Thanks Fire-Tech!

  • Ramon Batista

    Thank you again Fire-Tech and now it looks more or less as I want, but if you go to my page you will see that is not working yet, for some reason it shows me the background in white.  Maybe I have to do something at the Design... Please go to my web and check it... thanks

  • Fire-Tech

    It looks like there's still a conflict. Double check that you removed all of the code that Jen mentioned. The code works fine on my test network. 

    background:#000000 url("*8luJeKT*JN3Ggax3ZjaAq2HtHxuEr9UytATXiQ0/BALONDOMINICANO.jpg") repeat-x fixed!important;
  • Ramon Batista

    Thanks Jen and Fire-Tech for your help...

    It looks like the code want to work but something is happening... here you will find all the codes I have at CSS Advanced

    /* Scroll Bar for Blogs */
    .xg_widget_main .module_blog .xg_module_body {height: 500px;overflow : auto;position:relative;}

    /* Scroll Bar for Latest Activity */
    .xg_widget_main .xg_module_activity .xg_module_body {height: 500px;overflow : auto;position:relative;}

    /** Social Media SideBar **/
    .share_outer_div:hover {
        -khtml-opacity: 1.0;
        opacity: 1.0;}
    .share_outer_div{background:transparent url(*WyDo50kjGUndAypr6lsawsrpkrQ5Q2q4E0L7fNJLF8mrfkpwA*5G-agjE*dt9umbEQwfEt-oX5KlTxyDQSO*2UI/socialmedia_dockbarg.png) no-repeat scroll left top;height:185px;position:absolute;right:0;top:20%;width:52px;z-index:1000; filter:alpha(opacity=90);
        -khtml-opacity: .90;
        opacity: .90;}
    .share_wrapper_div{background:transparent url(*WyDo50kjGUndAypr6lsawsrpkrQ5Q2q4E0L7fNJLF8mrfkpwA*5G-agjE*dt9umbEQwfEt-oX5KlTxyDQSO*2UI/socialmedia_dockbarg.png) no-repeat scroll left top;height:185px;}
    .share_outer_div a{display:block;width:49px;height:45px;}
    /** End Social Media SideBar **/

    /* Background that stays still */
    body {
    background:#000000 url("*8luJeKT*JN3Ggax3ZjaAq2HtHxuEr9UytATXiQ0/BALONDOMINICANO.jpg") repeat-x fixed!important;

  • Ramon Batista

    Thank you Jen an Fire-Tech... I fixed (with your help)..

    At the Page Background and the Canvas Background, the color was white, and now I put it Transparent and now is working  :)

    Thank you both a lot  (y)

  • Fire-Tech

    Glad you got it working. You are welcome:)

  • JenSocial

    Great, happy to hear it. Thanks for the update!
