This marquee is special, in that; when a user mouses over your scrollbox, the message will pause. The following examples show different values and use of the marquee parameters. The text in this marquee is white on a red background, bold font and size of 14px, 25 pixels in height, width of 100% (full width of area), and the text direction is flowing from the left. When you look at this code, the <i> tag is for italics. The text in this message is yellow on a purple background, font-size of 10px, 150 pixels in height, width of 125 pixels, scroll delay of 225 (slower), text is centered, and the text direction is up. The padding:12px parameter gives a nice margin between the text and corners of your box. This example will show you how to insert an image with a link. It has a black background, scroll delay of 100 (faster), and the direction is flowing from the right. This is our image and link. The link will take you to the Tip that explains how to add a link to an image. This example comes from our Gold Member Scroll. This will give you an example of multiple images and hyperlinks. This one is a little more complicated to follow. Gold Member CommunitiesNing For Dummies  Sarah Palin GALS  Classic TV Social  New Vibrations!  Pet Lovers Paradise  Rich and Rich Entrepreneurs  Home Based Business Program  Fantasyland Gold Member Communities